Life is a gift. Happiness begins in our lives when we can stop and be thankful for being alive on this earth and for who we are as individuals. This means that we accept that we are special and that we are in this place at this time for a reason and at each stage of our lives we need to maximize our full potential.
Something to do..
As human beings we all have something to do each day. This is called survival. It may be at home, in the workplace, at school, wherever it may be, we are all part of that great chain of life - we need each other. No man is an island, so whatever we do affects others in some way. This give rise to what we do in terms of our talents, our goals and just being busy in order to make our everyday lives count. We have to make a concertive effort to do our jobs in the best way we can and keep solving problems, keep making people's lives and ours better and in the end make this world a better place by the things we do.
Something to love.......
What would life be without love? monotonous, meaningless, hopeless, there would hardly be any reason for living. As human being, loving ourselves first of all helps us to see others in a different light. We are able to see their faults, yet love them anyway. This does not mean that this love extends only to our families, it means that we should be open to see some good in everyone. When we have something or someone to love, we extend ourselves by giving, listening, sharing, caring and forgiving, because no one is perfect. Sometimes it is a pet who brings that wonderful feeling in our lives, but whatever it is, love is a light that brings that special sparkle in our eyes. To experience love is to live.
Something to hope for..
Having hope is the main key to survival. Hope gives life a perspective. Today everything may seem to be going wrong, but tomorrow all this may change for the better. We therefore live life as it comes. Hope helps us to reach beyond our present potential, to take risks, to dream dreams, to fight feelings of dispair and to overcome the everyday challenges of this life. A life without that beam of hope deep within will never experience the brilliance of the sunshine of success.
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